Chick Raising Facts
Before You Buy
- Research the type and breed characteristics for your situation.
- Clean and disinfect the area, waterers and feeders if they have been previously used
- Setup and heat brooder ring 24 hours ahead of time
- Bed with absorbent litter ‐ shavings
Brooder Temperature Tips
- Provide a heat source in the center of brooding area
- Test temperatures at the chicks' level - approximately 6 inches from the floor
- During the first week, heat at 95 degrees F
- Lower temperatures 5 degrees F each week until you reach a temperature of 70 degrees F
When You Buy
- Purchase chicks from well‐known, National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) approved hatcheries
Once They're Home
- Keep dry, protected from cold, drafts, entry by other animals
- Observe chicks to ensure they are comfortable, and spread uniformly under the heat source
- Provide fresh, clean, room-temperature water at all times
- Clean waterers daily
- Provide a waterer that will restrict bathing (no open containers)
- Add Stress Pak (electrolytes and vitamins) for the first week or two
Feeding The Right Grain
Start with Poulin Grain Chick Starter Crumbles
- Formulated to give chicks a healthy start and build a strong frame.
- Feed 2‐3lbs per week per bird for 6 weeks (12‐18lbs per chick)
- Feed Chick Starter Crumbles for the first 2 weeks or Quik Grow Broiler Crumbles.
- Quik Grow Broiler Crumbles can then be fed from 2 weeks until market size.
- It will take approximately 12lbs of feed and 6‐7 weeks to raise one broiler to market weight.
- At 6‐8 weeks switch to Poultry Grower Finisher Crumblet (12‐13lbs per bird during the 12 week period).
- When they begin to lay (5‐6 months of age) switch to a Layer Pellet, Mash, Crumble or Egg Production Plus.
- Layers need 14‐16 hours of light per day to produce eggs.
- 10 birds should produce 8 to 10 eggs per day.
- You will need 100 to 195 pounds of feed to produce about 20 dozen eggs per bird in 13 months (.25‐.50lbs of feed per day per bird).
- Start with a 5 degree F higher temperature in the brooder.
- Begin with Turkey/Gamebird Starter Crumble from 1-6 weeks of age.
- At 6-8 weeks of age switch to Turkey/ Gamebird Grower/ Finisher Pellet.
- Depending on breed, your bird will mature in five months and weigh from 18 to 40 lbs (about 80lbs of feed to raise to maturity).
Game Birds
- Feed Turkey/ Gamebird Starter Crumble or Gamebird Starter/ Grower Crumble for the first 8 weeks.
- Transition to Turkey/ Gamebird Grower/ Finisher Pellet up to market size at about 14‐16 weeks.
- Mature breeders can continue to be fed Turkey/ Gamebird Grower/ Finisher Pellet.
Ducks and Geese
- Do not feed medicated feeds or medicated water.
- Feed Chick Starter Crumbles up to 4 weeks.
- At 4‐5 weeks, switch to Poultry Grower Finisher Crumblet for pets.
- For meat birds, feed a Quik Grow Broiler Crumbles from 4 weeks until market size (8 weeks).
- For layers, switch to Layer Pellet, Mash, Crumble, or Egg Production Plus when birds begin to lay.
Backyard Biosecurity Measures For a Healthy Flock
- Disinfect feeders, waterers, brooders, pens and coops before introducing new birds to the area.
- Thoroughly wash your hands after cleaning or working in the chicks' environment.
- Don't introduce unnecessary visitors to your flock.
- Quarantine new birds from the existing flock for 30 days to avoid introducing new diseases.
- Supervise children when handling poultry. Do not nuzzle or kiss chicks, and wash up when through with handling.
- Always report sick birds to your State Veterinarian.