Other Feed

Alfalfa Pellets 50 lbs

Alfalfa Cubes 50 lbs

Lucerne Hi Fiber Dengie

Hi-Fiber Dengie is a measured blend of timothy, oat and alfalfa hay, short chopped for easier digestibility and chewing. It is great for the older horse as well as the maintenance of the pleasure horse. It provides a highly digestible fiber source with dust extracted. Hi-Fiber Dengie is blended with cane molasses for a great taste and it provides the consistent nutrition that your horse needs. 40 lb bag.

Lucerne Hi-Fiber Gold Dengie

Hi Fiber Gold is the same great "Hi Fiber" short chop forage blend of timothy, oat and alfalfa hay, but blended with soybean oil as an alternative to molasses. It is designed to enhance the diet of most horses, young and old, and maintain the diets of pleasure horses and hard working performance horses. This forage is also beneficial for horse with particular health issues because Hi Fiber Gold has low sugar and low starch levels. The addition of soybean oil has benefits beyond weight gain. Calories from fat are utilized and digested efficiently in the digestive system of the horse and fat helps increase stamina and provides a level headed energy as well as giving a healthy shine to your horse's coat. 30 lb. 

Midwest Agri Beet Pulp Shreds 40 lb

Champion's Choice Trace Mineral Salt Block, 50 lb.

Champion's Choice Trace Mineral Salt Block is specially formulated to provide essential salt plus the correct balance of trace minerals for healthy beef and dairy cattle, swine and horses. 

White Salt Block 50 lb.

White Salt Blocks are an economicaland efficient means for introducing salt as a nutrient into an animal's diet. Salt is needed by all classes of animals, but especially by herbivores (grass-eating animals).

Will special order other available feed 

462 Rt. 28 Kingston, NY 12401
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