Poulin Grain List

Horse Feed

Decade® Endurance Sport

A pelleted feed designed to meet the needs of pleasure horses to moderately working horses over two years of age. 

Decade® Stable Sweet Tradition

Provides an economical means of supplying essential protein, mineral and vitamins to mature active and idle horses. 

EQUI-PRO® Performance

A super premium high fat, low sugar energy feed. 


A super premium high fat, low sugar textured feed with energy sources which provide long-term sustainable energy for endurance, performance horses and underweight horses.

EQUI-PRO® Premium Senior

Specifically formulated for the nutrient needs of the senior horse and horses with compromised digestive systems. 


A super premium high fat, low carbohydrate pelleted feed with energy sources which provide long-term sustainable energy for endurance, performance horses and underweight horses.

E-TEC Balancer®

A scientifically formulated pellet which balances nutrient profiles of unfortified grains and allows for feeding program flexibility and use of bulk grains. (formerly EQUI-PRO MVP).

E-TEC® Fibre-Max

A high fat, high fiber super feed for performance horses that require high calorie intake but may be sensitive to grain rich diets. Suitable for every life stage, including seniors. 

E-TEC® One

Highly fortified pelleted formula with no grains or molasses, designed for horses at any life stage. (Formerly EQUI-PRO E-TEC).

E-TEC® Senior Low Carb

A super-premium pelleted feed that does not contain grain or molasses, designed for the mature horse that is sensitive to sugars and starches.

Forage Extender Mini Bites

Formulated to provide essential quality fiber in the horse's diet. May be used to replace up to half the forage in an animals' diet on a pound for pound basis. 

Forage Extender Super Bites

Formulated to provide essential quality fiber in the horse's diet. May be used to replace up to half of the forage in an animals' diet on a pound for pound basis.

Will special order other available feed 

Poultry Feed

Chick Starter Crumbles

A 20% starter crumble. 

Egg Production Plus

A soy-free high protein crumblet, providing the proper balance of amino acids and energy.

Gamebird Starter/Grower Crumble

A crumble starter and grower for ducks, geese and other heavy breed game birds and guinea fowl. 

Layer Crumble

A crumble formulated for laying birds. 

Layer Mash

A mash formulated for laying birds. 

Layer Pellet

A pellet formulated for laying birds. Available in 25lbs and 50lbs. 

Poultry Grower/Finisher Crumblet

A crumblet to be fed after birds are six weeks old until they start to lay. Can be used as a finisher feed for increased fat in the diet. 

Quik Grow Broiler Crumbles

A crumble formulated for rapidly growing meat birds. 

Scratch Feed

A mixture of cracked corn and whole oats to feed along with a complete grower or layer feed 

Turkey/Gamebird Grower/Finisher Pellet

A pelleted grower/finisher ration for turkeys, other heavy breed game birds and guinea fowl. 

Will special order other available feed 

Sheep And Goat Feed

Stock NCA Sweet 16%

A 16% protein textured (sweet) feed to be fed free choice to young stock.

Dairy Goat Pellet

Nutritionally balanced feed for lactating dairy goats, formulated to achieve efficiency and high milk production. 

Meat Goat Pellet

A 18% protein pellet formulated to be fed to meat goat kids from about 4-7 days old until the animal reaches slaughter weight.

Sweet Goat 18%

A high energy textured feed formulated to be fed to all goats. 

Will special order other available feed

Cattle Feed

Hi-Line 16% Dairy/Beef Pellet

A medium energy pelleted dairy ration. 

Textra 14%

A high energy textured feed formulated to be fed with high quality forage. This feed is frequently used as a stock feed. 

Textra 18%

A high energy textured feed formulated to be fed to many different animals.

Will special order other available feed 

Pig Feed

Swine Grower Pellets

A complete pelleted diet for pigs 80 lbs of bodyweight and over. 

Will special order other available feed 

Rabbits Feed

Rabbit 16% Maintenance Pellet

A pelleted ration for pet, bucks, and dry doe rabbits 

Rabbit 18% Growth Pellet

A pelleted feed for normal growth and pregnant does. 

Wild Bird Seed

Green Mountain Symphony

A wonderful choice to bring everything from Blue Jays to Chickadees to your feeder 

Black Oil Sunflower Seed 20 lb And 40 lb

Striped Sunflower Seed 40 lb

Sunflower Course Chips 50 lb

Will special order other available feed  

Specialty Feed And Other Feed

14% Textured Deer Feed

A complete textured feed formulated for Wild or Fallow Deer. 

Ratite Performance Pellet

Balanced for the demands of breeding and growing birds. Maintenance birds can feed on the same product.

Cracked Corn

Coarse cracked corn.

Whole Corn

Whole kernel corn. 

Wheat Bran 50 lb

Will special order other available feed   

462 Rt. 28 Kingston, NY 12401
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